Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Devin and I have had a blast these past few weeks meeting up with friends for lunch.  We've seen my cousins, Puni and Soni, and Puni's newborn baby girl, Shivani (just two weeks younger than Devin) a few times for lunch. It's been great to have some QT with my cousins and our niece!  I love that Shivani and Devin are so close in age, and lucky for us, Puni and her family have recently moved back to Michigan from Texas.  So, Shivani and Devin, along with many of his other cousins on both sides, will get to spend a lot of time playing and growing together.  Now we just need to convince my sister and her family to come back home :-)  I doubt that'll happen, but at least we get to see them for weeks at a time, which we love! 

Devin and I also had the chance to meet up with my friend and coworker, Pam, and her son, Everett, and our other friend and former coworker, Amanda, and her son, Levi, for lunch at J Alexander's.  You might remember that my friends from work threw me and two other preggo ladies a triple baby shower back in April.  Well, Pam and Amanda were my fellow preggos--due 5 to 6 weeks before me.  It was so nice to be pregnant with them and to be able to talk about everything that was going on with our pregnancies and, now, our baby boys with each other.  It was great to see them and their little guys :-)   Unfortunately, Devin is stil in a bit of sleepy phase, so he slept through all of lunch and missed out on the fun :-(  Next time.

Amanda and Levi

Pam and Everett

Everett and Levi playing . . . Devin is still sleeping :-(

We've also had the chance to meet up with my close girlfirend Crystal and her little girl, Lydia, our friends, Swati and Mohit, and their princess, Saya, and our friends, Rocco and Julie, and their girls, Leena and Sofia!  It's been awesome!  We love that we have so many friends/family members that have kids around Devin's age!

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