Sunday, March 6, 2011


21 weeks, 2 days

Well, here they are.  As promised, belly pics!  I tried to wear the same outfit so you could get a good comparison, but now that there's no hiding of the belly, I think I'll just take pics in normal clothes :-) 
6 weeks

12 weeks, 2 days--forgive the lack of makeup please!  Apparently boys steal their mother's looks too!
14 weeks

15 weeks
16 weeks, 4 days

17 weeks 4 days

18 weeks, 2 days.  Definitely starting to pop!

20 weeks.  Whoa! LP is making his presence known :-)

21 weeks!  Isn't it amazing what can happen in a week?!

21 weeks.  My first time wearing maternity pants!
As you can see, it was almost as though my buddha belly just showed up one day during the 18th week!  Until then, it kind of just looked like I had a hard time saying no to food :-)   I'm still wearing my belly band and regular pants for the most part, but I have to admit, maternity pants are super comfy!  I wore them for the first time this past Friday!  I'm not quite ready to give up the band yet, but I'm thinking in a few weeks, I won't have a choice :-)  I swear, though, these pics don't even come close to doing justice to how big I really am (or at least feel)!

While getting used to my quickly expanding waistline has been a little hard, it's been amazing at the same time.  Knowing that I'm growing a little human inside of my stomach and all of the things that come with the process is fascinating.  The most amazing part for me so far has been feeling LP kick!  I started feeling what I thought were movements back in the 18th week, but I wasn't quite sure.  I didn't feel them every day, and they were very subtle.  But, this week, LP has been kicking me quite regularly---no pattern yet, but definitely some movements every day.  The kicks are pretty strong, so I know it's him! Actually, a few days ago he was kicking up a storm for a few minutes (like he was practicing for soccer already :-).  So, I had Vikas put his hand on my stomach, and LP kicked so hard that even Vikas could feel it!  Pretty crazy!  I have to say, I'm loving it so far. I'm sure I won't be saying that when LP is having his own little dance party in my stomach in the middle of the night . . .lol.  Let's hope that doesn't happen :-)

So, while we know that LP is going to be stubborn and active all at once, we also learned last Tuesday (ok, maybe we're just hoping), that LP is also going to be a peaceful little guy!  We had our 20 week appointment and the chance to see LP again (Dr. Lee likes to do ultrasounds as often as he can).  He confirmed that everything looks good.  When we saw him, LP was practically meditating (or, doing Aarti)!  He had his knees tucked in, arms stretched out in front of him, palms facing up, and his long fingers stretched out!  It was the cutest thing!  So, it looks like we're going to have a stubborn, but peaceful and grounded athlete on our hands :-)  Or, at least we're hoping for the peaceful part!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeena and Vikas, congratulations once again!! Though I received the news well on time, I didn't really check your blogs and for last one hour , I have been reading all of it and watching the pretty pics ( both you and LP look beautiful!).. great to know that you have not gone through morning sickness or other health problems!! I hope that you enjoy each day of the next (approx)four months to the fullest!! Very happy for you both.. have fun.. looking forward to see more pictures and blogs.. Take care..
