Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sorry it’s been a while since my last post.  Things have been pretty hectic lately.  In any event, we’ve had a great couple of weeks!  About two weeks ago, Vikas’s brother, Nilesh, and his wife, Neha, welcomed their second sweet baby girl, Avni!  We couldn't be more excited for them!  We were lucky enough to be able to drive down to Indiana with Vikas's mom and dad to meet the new little one just a few days after they got home from the hospital.  And, man, is little Avni precious!  Obviously, she slept a ton, but even when sleeping, was the cutest thing!  She would smile and giggle as though she was having a funny dream J  It was great seeing big sister Anjali and, of course, catching up with Nilesh and Neha too!  Anjali is growing bigger and definitely talking quite a bit more.  It’s so fun watching her grow up.  The whole family is coming to visit in a week or two, so we’ll get to see just how much little Avni has changed in the last few weeks.  We're definitely looking forward to that!

In addition to meeting little Avni, Vikas and I had the chance to meet two more newborns last week!  My good girlfriend from high school, Natalee, had her little boy, Kingstyn, on December 29th.  But, none of us had the chance to meet him until this past week since she and her hubby, Chad, live down in South Carolina.  They came up to Michigan for their first visit last week, and our friends, Julie and Rocco, decided to have everyone over.  Hilariously, Julie had her second little girl, Sofia, on the same day as Natalee!  So, Kingstyn and Sofia are basically birth buddies :-) Not only did everyone get to meet Kingstyn (Natalee got to meet Sofia too), but we also got the chance to meet our friends, Stacy and Bryan's little peanut, Avery, who was born just a few weeks ago! They were all super cute! Besides these three new additions to the group, there were five more kiddos under 5 years old running/crawling around playing too.  The house was crazy  . . . it was perfect!  It's nice to know our little guy will have lots of friends, albeit mostly girls, to play with when he gets here :-)

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