Thursday, February 24, 2011


On Tuesday, we went for our follow up ultrasound to make sure LP's heart is in good shape.  All day before the appointment, I kept talking to LP and telling him that I really hoped he would cooperate more than he did last time because his Dad and I wanted to make sure he was as healthy as can be.  Plus, we wanted to get one of those cute pics of his profile!  But, seeing how stubborn he was at the first appointment, I thought I would try a few things to see if I could get LP to be a little more active and not so comfy in one spot :-)  So, for my two cups of liquids that I had to drink, I made one of them a Coke Zero.  I usually never drink pop, and for the most part, have been avoiding caffeine while pregnant.  But, I figured since you're allowed to have some caffeine, a little jolt of energy wouldn't be so bad for LP!  I even ate a few pieces of hard candy just before the appointment to see if the sugar might get him moving. 

So, with what I thought was a little extra assurance of a more active LP, we went in with our fingers crossed and hoping that the technician would be able to see LP's heart as well as she needed to.  Well, let's just say we already know one personality trait of our little man.  He is  S-T-U-B-B-O-R-N!!!!  He was in the same spot as before--head on my right side, feet to my left, and on his side.  That's clearly his favorite way to hang out in his Mommy's belly.  I guess he doesn't realize that all the room that he has in there now is going to shrink pretty quickly, and he might as well enjoy it now :-)  In any event, after having me roll into all kinds of fun positions to try to trick LP onto his back and having me do another fun stroll through Beaumont, the technician got what she needed to confirm that everything was good with LP's heart!  Thank God!  But, that does not mean that our peanut actually listened to us and did what we asked.  He stayed on his side, while his mom did all the work!  So, we weren't able to get too many great pics of his profile.  But, we did manage to get one pretty good one:

Isn't he beautiful?!  Maybe I'm a little biased, but I think he's perfect.  Next post: belly pics! 

1 comment:

  1. Jeena, He is absolutely beautiful. I just read your blogs and I can tell from your blogs you and Vikas are thrilled to become parents and this boy is going to be one lucky kid when he arrives. Love you and take care. Talk to you soon :)
