Saturday, January 28, 2012


Vikas's brother, Nilesh, and his wife, Neha were expecting their third baby on February 14th :-) But, their little bundle of joy just couldn't wait and instead arrived 5 weeks early on January 15th!  I'm happy to say that they are now parents to a healthy, happy, and sweet little BOY!  Arjun Nilesh Patel weighed in at 5lbs, 14 oz. and 19 inches long, and is home and doing great!  We are so happy for the entire family, and can't wait to see Devin and little Arjun grow up together.  At just six months apart, I think it's safe to say that Devin has a new BFF :-)

Arjun and his Vikas Kaka

Isn't he a cutie?


On January 13th, our little peanut officially turned six months old!  The past six months have been amazing, and we've loved watching Devin grow from a sleepy (but sweet) little peanut to an active, smiley little man!  Devin has always interacted with us really well (maybe even too well--see my post from his birthday!), but for the past few months, he's become tons of fun with all of his adorable baby talk, his "hugs" and "pats on the back" because he's so excited to see you, and his irresistible smiles and belly laughs! He starting sitting for a few seconds at a time when he was five months old, and now that he's six months old, he sits pretty well (though he falls over eventually!). He amazes us each and every day with all of his new skills :-)   As for his official stats, as he's always been, he's tall and skinny, just like his Dad:

Weight: 16lbs 3oz. (24%) . . . our LP is still just a little peanut!
Height: 27.5inches (82%)

Just a few recent pics of our little guy:

My little froggy!

I'm pretty sure Vikas has the same outfit :-)

Devin and Mommy at breakfast :-)

Eyes that melt your heart :-)

Happy as ever!

Devin loves his daddy!

My sweet angel :-)

Sitting like a big boy !

My Nana is so silly!

Fun day with my Nana and Nani!

It's crazy to think that our little man is already half way to one year old :-)  It seems like time is flying by much too fast.  At the same time, it seems like Devin's been in our lives forever (lucky us:-), and we couldn't imagine our lives without him.   From the day that he was born and each day after, he's been the sweetest little boy. He's honestly the greatest blessing that we could have ever received, and we feel very lucky to be his parents. 


We always said that once Devin got a little older, we wanted to put him in daycare so that he could play with and learn from other kids.  So, just two weeks ago, after checking out a few places, we started Devin at Kindercare in Troy.  It is brand new, clean, bright and colorful inside, full of fun developmental toys and games, and most importantly, has an awesome staff!  The main infant room teachers are wonderful, and it is absolutely clear that they simply just love kids :-)  But, even though we had made the decision to put him into day care and picked a great place, I was so nervous about how they could possibly give him enough attention with all those other kids to take care of.  And, what about making sure that they worked with him on all of the skills he's developing? How about making sure that he is fed on time and changed often? What about napping? How could they handle it all? 

Well, my nerves were put somewhat at ease as soon as we walked in the door on his first day.  They had a sign on the door that said "WELCOME DEVIN"!  It was a small gesture, but so thoughtful and made me feel just a little better. Even still, it was extremely difficult for us to drop him off for the first time.  I literally cried half way to work :-(  I ended up calling them every few hours to see how he was doing, and they told me that he was doing great and it was as though he had been there for months! What a relief :-)  When I got home (Vikas picked him up), I was happy to see that he came home with even more thoughtful things welcoming him to the infant class! 
Welcome, Devin!
So sweet, right?

He was a busy boy on his first day!

Devin and Ms. Danielle!
Each day seems to get easier and easier, particularly because I know Devin is very happy there.  He lights up when he sees his teachers! It's nice to know that he's in good hands.